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  • Dragons are back at Bodiam!
  • July 28th, 2010

  • Hi again. You know, I just can’t keep away from Bodiam Castle.  I think it’s got to be one of my favourite places in England.  But even better, my friends and I get to dress up as characters from my Shadow books and storm the castle! Our next date appearing there is Wednesday, 4th of […]

  • Never forgetting, Shadow of the Dragon
  • July 4th, 2010

  • I have been so busy with the Pegasus books that I have been shamefully ignoring my first two books, Shadow of the Dragon 1, Kira and Shadow 2, Elspeth. Now, I want to thank you all for writing to my website. I thoroughly enjoy hearing from each and every one of you. And I want to […]

  • When Pegasus flies!
  • July 4th, 2010

  • Well, here we go, no more excuses. It’s time I joined the 21st century…. Let’s see. I’ve got the Website (thanks Chas, you’re a STAR) and now, I’ve finally got a BLOG! So, welcome to my first Blog. I decided to start this as there is a lot going on these days and I wanted […]

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