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Halloween approaches!

Posted on Monday, October 18th, 2010

It seems like I blink and more time has passed. Hasn’t this year gone fast? I don’t even remember it being summer and now we’re already into autumn! It will be Halloween before you know it.

Mind you, I do love Halloween and all the costumes that come out. I adore the fun and colour of it all. Actually, on Friday, October 29, I’m going to be doing a book signing at Waterstones in the Hastings Shopping centre. A bunch of us are going to be in costume and there is going to be a costume competition for everyone who comes dressed in their Halloween best. I’ll also have some Trick-Or-Treat sweets at my table, so if you’re in the area, please stop in and say hello.

This weekend, I’ve been working in my chicken pen – Doesn’t that sound like fun? Cleaning out the houses and putting up new covers to keep the kiddies from getting wet in all the rain we’ve been having. There is nothing sadder than a wet chicken! Wait, yes there is. That’s several wet chickens!

All of these chickens are pets and have names. I’ve raised most of them from eggs and they are so tame. The trouble is, being as tame as they are all they want to do is stand on your feet and have lots attention. But when you’re in their pen trying to clean it for them, it’s hard not stepping on them. At least now they’ve all got fresh straw and a cover to keep them dry.

Hey, guess what? This week, I’m hoping to start a new book. It’s going to be a bit spooky, but that will make it all the more fun to write. There will also be lots of adventure, but mainly, I want it spooky! I’m not sure of the title yet, but I think it will be “Mirror Walkers”. I’ll let you know how it’s going.

And finally, we’re only a few months away from ‘Pegasus and the Flame’ being released. This all serves to remind me how fast this year is moving. It feels like I just finished it, and now book 2 is done and book one comes out in February!!! I’ll soon have the cover to book 2 to show you. I think it’s going to be amazing.

So keep an eye open and I’ll try to post it here as soon as I can.

Take care my friends and I’ll be back soon!

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